PSM/RMP Competencies

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Process Safety Management / Risk Management Program
OSHA / EPA Compliance


This course covers the compliance requirements of OSHA and the EPA for the safe operation of an ammonia refrigeration process. Operators, owners and employees are required to be knowledgeable and proficient in the safe and efficient operation of industrial refrigeration systems.

Based on IIAR materials, this class addresses PSM and RMP plans from a different perspective. While most seminars and training are aimed at what a company must do to get into compliance with these regulations, this course is intended to aid the refrigeration operator, supervisor, manager or safety manager in staying in compliance after his or her company program is in place.  The course covers all 14 elements of the OSHA Process Safety Management program and all requirements of the Environment Protection Agency in its Resource Management Plan.


Process Safety Management (PSM) for Ammonia Refrigeration
published by the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration (IIAR)

Additional materials include handouts and industry equipment.




Upon completion of this course the student will:

  • Understand the requirements of PSM
  • Understand the requirements of RMP
  • Understand “worst case scenario”
  • Define “Emergency Response Plan”
  • Understand the purpose of LEPC
  • Explain evaluation of consequences of deviation
  • Describe the requirements for P&ID’s
  • Understand document management requirements
  • Understand operating procedure requirements
  • Understand Compliance Audits



Process Safety Information
Employee Involvement
Process Hazard Analysis
Operating Procedures
Pre-Startup Safety Review
Mechanical Integrity
Hot Work
Management of Change
Incident Investigation
Emergency Planning and Response
Compliance Audit
Trade Secrets
Public right to know
Worst case Scenario
5 year accident record


See accompanying profile sheet for complete listing of competencies.


Students will complete verbal, written, or hands-on activities.

Instruction in this course will be a combination of classroom lecture, demonstration by qualified individuals, hands-on lab experiences, and various reading assignments.


Measurement of a student's ability will consist of written tests over all material listed above, oral reports focusing on student understanding of lab assignments and demonstrations, and completion of competencies listed for this class. 


The student will be given written tests and research questions to measure and reinforce his ability to find in formation.  The emphasis will be on the process of finding and using information and not memorizing it.


The student will be expected to perform tasks using the publications available to him as his guide.  These tasks may take the form of setting up equipment or performing some procedure outlined in the manuals.  Written tests will contain questions requiring the student to use information from several sources in order to determine a solution to the problem.  Students will be expected to answer the "why does" questions using their personal experience, knowledge developed in class, and information found in other disciplines.

Attendance will be monitored, sometimes in the form of quizzes, to determine any problems that may be developing within the student. 



As listed under the Metacognitive domain the student will be expected to perform tasks using the knowledge they have acquired in class and the information found in the manuals.  The student will be expected to physically perform tasks even though he may not be able to do this without guidance from the instructor and fellow students.

The final grade will be a combination of evaluations in the areas listed above.  The exact mix will depend on the availability, equipment and the student's needs.  In general, the evaluation will consist of about:

The affective and skill domains will be further evaluated during the internship periods in which the sponsoring dealer evaluates the student.


92 - 100%   = A
83 -   91%   = B
74 -   82%   = C
70 –  73%   = D
< -     69%   = F


3    Mastered
2    Competent
1    Needs additional training
N    No exposure


I. Process Safety Information

1. Define what is required in an index drawing.
2. Describe requirements for Block Flow Diagrams (BFD).
3. Describe requirements for Process Flow Diagrams (PFD).
4. Explain requirements for an evaluation of the consequences of process deviation.
5. Describe the requirements for Piping and Instrument Diagrams (P&ID’s).
6. Describe the PSI Tracking Log.
7. Define requirements on materials of construction
8. Explain Electrical Classification requirements
9. List requirements pertaining to pressure relief systems and safety relief valves (PRV).
10. Give details of required information pertaining to ventilation system design.
11. Explain requirements for Design Codes and Standards.
12. Describe information required for Safety Devices (e.g. interlocks, detection or suppression systems).
13. Define Good Engineering Practice documentation compliancy
14. Give details on Refrigerant Inventory Calculation Guidelines

II. Employee Involvement

1. List which employees must have PSM awareness training.
2. Describe employee participation in all PSM activities.
3. Identify who has access to PSM information.
4.Explain the procedures involved for any hourly or salaried employee having serious safety related concerns about any aspect of the PSM program.
5. Describe the written plan of action for employee participation.
6. Explain document management requirements.

III. Process Hazard Analysis

1. List all appropriate methodologies.
2. Describe the purpose, objective and scope.
3. Describe the make-up of the study team.
4. List reference information required by study team.
5. Describe a PHA study.
6. List the requirements of a PHA compliance report.
7. Describe a management system that addresses and resolves recommendations resulting from the PHA study.
8. List required PHA forms.
9. Explain when a PHA study must be updated.

IV. Operating Procedures

1. List when SOP’s need to be revised.
2. Describe how information from PSI is used during SOP formation.
3. Describe normal SOP’s.
4. Describe start-up SOP’s.
5. Describe emergency SOP’s.
6. Describe SOP’s that deal with upset conditions.
7. Explain involvement of SOP’s during MOC implementation.
8. Describe how SOP’s interface with training.

V. Training

1. Define MSDS.
2. List which employees need process training.
3. Determine the actions and conditions under which the employee will demonstrate competence or knowledge.
4. Describe when employers need to evaluate their training programs.
5. List or explain required documentation.
6. Explain maintenance and contract worker involvement.
7. List the PSM elements that process workers must be trained in.
8. List minimum supervisor personnel training.

VI. Contractors

1. Explain contractor selection recommendations.
2. List what is required for contractor pre-bid awareness.
3. List what is required for contractor post-bid awareness.
4. Specify contractor responsibilities.
5. Explain contractor performance follow-up.
6. List documentation requirements.
7. Describe contractor employee sick and injury log responsibilities.
8. Explain the use of a work authorization system.

VII. Pre-Startup Safety Review

1. List the procedures for new facilities.
2. List the procedures for modified facilities.
3. Explain the necessity of a pre-startup safety review verification form.
4. State who has the responsibility for the completion of a pre-startup safety review.

VIII. Mechanical Integrity

1. Define IOM’s.
2. List components that should be included in the inventory.
3. Explain the need for owner generated IOM’s.
4. Define a “maintenance program”.
5. List and explain the documents required for an inspection and testing program.
6. Explain the course of action required when deficiencies found during any inspection are outside acceptable limits.
7. List the schedules, inspection forms and log sheets that are to be included as part of the training materials.
8. Explain the requirements of quality assurance.

IX. Hot Work

1. Explain the purpose of hot work permits.
2. Identify the situations when a “fire watch” is required.
3. Define a hazardous location.
4. Define a hot work operation.
5. List the responsibilities of the hot work permit originator.
6. List the responsibilities of the site maintenance supervisor.
7. List the responsibilities of the cutter/welder.
8. List the responsibilities of the fire watch.

X. Management of Change

1. Explain the purpose of MOC.
2. State the provisions to be considered for temporary changes.
3. Define and give examples of change in equipment.
4. Define and give examples of change in facilities.
5. Define and give examples of change in procedures.
6. Define and give examples of change in process technology.
7. Define and give examples of a major change.
8. Define and give examples of a minor change.
9. Define and give examples of a “replacement in kind”.
10. Describe and list the procedures required for initiating and completing a MOC.

XI. Incident Investigation

1. Describe the purpose of incident investigation.
2. List the circumstances or occurrences, which require formal incident investigation.
3. List the major investigation procedures that should be followed.
4. Explain and list the responsibilities of the incident investigation team.
5. Explain the contents of an “Incident Summary” form.
6. Explain the contents of an “Incident Description” form.
7. Explain the contents of an “Approvals, Follow-up and Review” form.
8. Explain the contents of a “Close-out” form.

XII. Emergency Planning and Response

1. Define an emergency action plan.
2. Define an emergency response plan.
3. Describe a minimum emergency response plan.
4. Describe procedures for handling small releases.
5. List the three levels of emergency response.
6. List procedures for emergency evacuation
7. List requirements of alarm systems.
8. List training requirements.

XIII. Compliance Audit

1. List the PSM elements that must be audited.
2. List the frequency that audits must be conducted.
3. List the minimum contents of a final report of an audit.
4. Explain and list the Compliant Audit reports that must be retained by the facility.
5. List factors that may increase the frequency of compliance audits.
6. Explain audit certification.
7. List Compliance Audit documentation.
8. Define the guidelines for an audit team.

XIV. Trade Secrets

1. State the purpose of the “Trade Secrets” element.
2. List the employer’s responsibility towards those persons responsible for compiling PSI, SOP’s, incident investigation, emergency planning and response and compliance audits.


1. List the two program levels.
2. Define “stationary source”.
3. Define “Process”.
4. Define “threshold quantity”.
5. Define “vessel”.
6. Define “public receptor”.
7. Define “environmental receptor”.
8. Define “LEPC”.
9. Explain five-year accident history.
10. Describe off site accident analysis.
11. Describe worst-case scenario.
12. Describe alternate scenario.


Contact us for more info

Garden City Ammonia Program
2405 E. Fulton Plaza
Garden City, KS 67846
620-271-0484 FAX

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